
Friday, July 20, 2012

A few words...

This blog is completely trivial. Completely. But if you're reading this, it's because you love movies. Obviously, I do as well. Especially going to the movies. Early this morning, in a theater in Aurora, Colorado, many people just like you and me packed into a theater for a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. As I'm sure you've heard by now, a gunman entered the theater and opened fire on those in the audience.

People die all over the world everyday, that's a horrible fact. And yes, I don't take the time to write about them. This is a blog where I celebrate movies, and all the nerdy goofiness that goes along with them. The feeling of excitement and anticipation that comes with seeing something you've waited forever for is silly, but it's also very fun. There's nothing wrong with that. That this alleged gunman not only took that from everyone in attendance, but potentially people all over the world, is unfair. And obviously, that's not even scratching the surface of the atrocities committed early this morning.

So today, or this weekend, or whenever you go see The Dark Knight Rises, take a second to think of those in Aurora this morning. The people in attendance, the theater employees and all the first responders who rushed into the Century Aurora 16. For many of them, what was supposed to be a fun night at the movies, unfortunately became a tragic one.


  1. This is one of those truly terrifying things that comes out of the blue. Lesson learned? Crazy people are everywhere. Great post, though. It'll be hard to see The Dark Knight without thinking about this!

  2. Thanks for posting this. I just feel so indifferent to everything that has to do with movies right now. It's ridiculous.

  3. This is just awful. People keep talking about US gun laws now, and sure they should be changed, but the horrifying thing is that if someone wants a gun and wants to hurt people they will find the way. It could have happened anywhere and the fact it happened in movie theatre, which is sacred to all of us movie fans is even worse.

  4. So, so sad. I just don't understand how people can do things like this.

  5. A very special episode of two dollar cinema.
