
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Ten: Most Iconic Movie Characters

When I started this blog, my mentality was nothing but reviews. Once I was approached to join in on my first blogathon [check it out], all bets were off. Lately, they've been coming one after another, and honestly, I kind of like it. A lot. 

Recently, Elina over at the super sweet Films and Coke passed me the torch in a different kind of blogathon, the always fantastic relay. 

Started by Nostra at My Film Views, the idea is simple: Take the inherited list of ten iconic characters and drop the least deserving and replace him/her/it with someone else. When you're done, pass it on to another blogger, and let the good times roll. Here's who is staying on the list (for now):

A very solid nine, wouldn't you say? While keeping these icons was fairly easy, someone had to go. And I'll be honest, I wanted it to be Jack from The Shining, but that was Elina's pick, and remember, she was the one that passed the relay to me in the first place (seems rude, to me...haha...not that the people who did that are rude or anything...). So, without further ado...

Does it sort of look like Jason is helping her get dressed?
Clearly, this may seem blasphemous, but I don't think there are many people on this planet that wouldn't recognize the iconic character of Jason Voorhees from the the Friday the 13th film franchise. Even if he's only relevant one month a year, I think he's currently more iconic than Scarlett O'Hara, a character from seventy-five years ago. I know, I know, even as I type these words it feels like I'm committing some sort of cinematic/blogger hara-kiri, but I'm going to stand by this selection. Jason represents an entire genre probably better than any other single character possibly could.

Well, now that those bridges are burned, I'm going to pass this wonderful opportunity/monstrous burden to Wendell Ottley over at Dell on Movies. Fingers crossed he adds Teen Wolf...

...and doesn't take off Jason.


  1. I could see all these characters team up in a single movie and it'll be awesome! The twist in the movie is that the sweet and lovely Audrey (Holly Golightly) kills everyone else!

    1. Many, many summers from now, when all of these actors are dead and buried, I wouldn't be surprised if some studio churned out some CGI schlock-fest featuring the exact plot you just mentioned. But worse than that?

      You'll see it three weeks before me.

  2. You heartless son-of-a-bitch!! You wanted to take that creepy dude away? There have been others who have taken previous

    On another note, I totally should've added Teen Wolf. Maybe with swapping Indiana Jones. Imagine how well that would've been taken...

    1. Per your advice, I read through the whole relay. I've seen that people pull off the last person put on, but I couldn't/wouldn't bring myself to do it.

      I've also seen some people added that made me think are you f--king kidding me?. But that's what makes this so damn fun. People do some crazy shit. Like, removing someone from Gone With the Wind and replacing them with someone from Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.

      Are you f--king kidding me?

    2. Oh, and removing Indiana Jones would've been some really bad juju, I'm sure of it.

  3. What do Shrek and Scarlett O'Hara have in common? F--k 'em both!

  4. Jason, an interesting choice. I have to admit I never seen any of the movies, although I do know the character, so that proves he is iconic. Thanks for joining in, happy to see this relay race is still going!

    1. Nostra! Thanks for starting this awesome relay. I was quietly looking at the ground kicking little rocks around thinking I was never gonna get to jump in this one, but Elina totally rescued me.

      Anyway, great relay and I think your initial list was fantastic.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly on Jason Voorhees over Scarlett O'Hara. What's more iconic than him walking down some co-ed whose sprinting through the woods and falling every few steps? Thanks for the pass. I'll try to do you proud.

    1. Got it, wait...not like...I mean I posted my choice.

    2. Hey, either way. We should always celebrate when things are up. Always.

  6. I'm down with this choice man! I mean, I think Scarlett is iconic, but Jason is also an icon, and I've never even seen Friday the 13th!

    1. What the f--k, man? Between Jason and Harry Potter, that's like, twenty movies you need to see. Well, at least ten. Friday the 13th flicks are pretty ridiculous after say...the first one.

  7. Awesome choice, her character is seriously overrated and I'm all for horror icons on that list.

    Seriously, though...where the fuck is Hannibal Lecter?:D

    1. Okay, I consulted one of my most trusted friends and he suggested Hannibal Lecter initially. I thought about it, but once I offered up Jason, it was done. The mask alone is probably more iconic that anything horror has to offer.

      I've never seen Gone With the while I respect its legacy and importance, a shit I could give about her character.

  8. Not gonna lie - I'm a bit sad to see my choice of Scarlett go, but I can understand the replacement of her. She's not on everyone's list of favorite/iconic character. I'm a bit more familiar with Freddy Kreuger than Jason - but then again, I'm not a big horror genre fan.

    1. Aww, crap. Now I feel bad.

      I'm assuming if I were more cultured/less of an idiot, I'd have left her on. But I personally have no connection with the character or the era, and Jason feels more ubiquitous and iconic.

      I think Freddy is a solid pick, but not quite the symbol that Jason is. That mask!
