
Friday, December 31, 2021

In & Out [post] Spider-Man: No Way Home

Is that a band? Are you in a band?

Rating: PG-13 Runtime: 158 minutes
Where: Regal West Manchester (with my 12 y/o son)

What's it about? Peter Parker, after unsuccessfully trying to navigate his private life being public (thanks, JJJ), asks Dr. Strange to make him unknown...ish. The whole plan backfires, portals are opened, and the multi-verse is unleashed leading to all sorts of good and bad/great things converging on the MCU version of NYC.

What works: Holy crap, you guys, it all works. Every bit of it. It's hard to describe how much fun it was being in the theater that day, but there was one moment in this one that was positively electric. Like, for a second, everything was okay. Amazing, even.

What doesn't: Okay, this is nitpicking, but whatever was going on with Sandman and Lizard was kind of distracting. If we're not going to really use them, why bother? Give me a bit more Electro and a lot more Green Goblin and we're good. Real good. Oh, and the fact that this whole thing could have been avoided if the spell was a bit more specific is kind of unintentionally hilarious.

Yays: Dressed like a youth pastor or not, it was so good to see Tobey Maguire back as the OG Spider-Man. Can't believe how much I've missed that guy. But let's be honest, as good as Maguire is, and as consistently fantastic Holland has been for his run (he's soooo good here (and everywhere, frankly)), Andrew Garfield steals the show every second he's on the screen. If the rumors are true about continuing the Amazing franchise, sign me the Hell up. And outside of all the Spider-Men related-goodness, let me shout out the rest of the gang as well. MJ and Ned continue to be the best besties a guy could ask for, and the villains that do get to play seem to have a lot of fun with it. [Gotta throw a cheer for my guy Danny Rojas, might be life, but so is that man's hair]

Boos: Ooh, we lose someone here and it hurt. A lot. And slightly off-topic, but where was Topher Grace's Venom? I would have loved to seen that a-hole get a quick cameo before a giant bell fell on his head or something. That would have made something in me...tingle.

Should you stay or should you go? If you go, there will, undoubtedly, be trouble (crowds + omicron = yikes), but if you stay, for sure, there will be double (this is the movie event of the pandemic, no?). You already did anyway, didn't you? 

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